Friday, January 30, 2009

Let's Go! we go again.

Over the past five years or so, I've tried, and failed to keep a blog. I really, really wanted to do this during the course of my PhD, particularly when it came to writing the fu...the thesis up. You have not known write-up desperation until you've spent two hours on a Friday evening rummaging through boxes of notes to find JUST ONE particular reference, while at the same time cursing yourself for not noting it down in somewhere easy to find, such a blog, for example. Doh.

Laziness is often a factor for me - there is the general excitement of setting up a blog, which is then followed by the realization that, to keep it flowing, you've got to keep posting. It's here that things have generally gone wrong. My life really isn't that exciting to merit multiple posts a week/day/hour, which is why my Twitter page looks very bleak. However, I'd like to point out that I do more with my life than to return from Belgium.

Coupled with this problem is the fact that I never know which aspect of my personality to present in a blog. Is it the serious post-doc researcher who reflects on life in a Wittgensteinian manner, or do I use it as a platform for my rants against contemporary performances of the Scottish national football team, or the fact that I find this type of YouTube clip to be hysterically funny? Well, to be honest, I'm not going to worry about it any more - it's going to be a mish-mash of everything, although now that I'm apparently a serious post-doc researcher, it will be probably more geared to my musings on all things linked to what I do for a living.

So, let's get this thing on the road. It will be exciting. Maybe.

And, in case you're wondering why this blog has been given such a daft moniker, you can blame this now famous letter of compaint.